
Shimi-konnyaku  season has come

Shimi-konnyakju seasn has come! We will be started Shimi-konnyaku production from Dec. 20 this season. We only can make Sjhimi-konnyaku in the severe winter.


Shimi-konnyaku Sponge

This year2022 , in addition to the regular size Shimikonnyaku for face washing, we are also making a larger Shimi-konnyaku for washing the body.


Re-Broadcasting Shimikon Ibaraki by NHK world

Re- Brodcating by NHK World 「Kitchin throught the window」
 Program title: Shimi-konnyaku Ibaraki
Time schedule(Japan time):
9:30-9:45、15:30-15:45、22:30-22:45 on 6/24
20:10-20:20:25 on 6/28

Nakajima Shoten web in English:

Japanese Vegitarian Wonder-Food with video:

Nakajima shoten web in Japanese

Shimikon official web:

Shimikonnyku Blog in Japanese:

Shimikonnyaku cooking in Japanese:






Shimikon temporaly shop in Ryujinkyo

We open a temporaly shop at the Ryujinkyo in May and November every year.
It is called a Koinobori(Carp-shaped stremer) Festival in May and Momiji Festibal in Nobember.


The best time to see the autumn foliage in Ryujin-kyo near us from early November
to end of Novemver.The Ryojin-kyo is best spott of autumn leaves.

We open temporary shop in Ryujin-kyo every weekend in May and November.




Shimikon production progress

We started to produce Shimikonnykaku on Dec. 15 2018.
After the New yaer holiday, we started produce Shimi-konnyku from Jan 19 again..
And then we completed to prodiction of Shimikon in this term on Feb.18

Details about Shimikon dishes were featured on TV.
TV Tokyo on May 4th 2019
NHK on May 29.
We introdused several shimikon dishes.
