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There are some CG paintings and rough drawings by myself displayed in this room - painting is my hobby and these works are completely private things which I have painted purely for my own pleasure, so please don't expect anything 'artistic' or any quality in them...anyway, you still might enjoy them somehow? The name of this gallery is taken from Tara in Ireland, which has been a sacred site since the Neolithic era.

Gallery Section 2 ギャラリー・セクション2へ 

Gallery Section 3 ギャラリー・セクション3へ 

Gallery Section 4 ギャラリー・セクション4へ 

Gallery Section 5 ギャラリー・セクション5へ 

Gallery annex "Something Precious... " ギャラリー別館・"Something Precious..." 

* 言葉のスケッチ *

...and it takes two.  

- works during Aug.1999-Jan.2000 -

Click on whichever picture you wish to see in full size.

copyright (c)1999-2001 leanne all rights reserved.


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