アンの愛情 第三十一章

Chapter XXXI Anne to Philippa(1)

"Anne Shirley to Philippa Gordon, greeting.

"Well-beloved, it's high time I was writing you. Here am I, installed once more as a country 'schoolma'am' at Valley Road, boarding at 'Wayside,' the home of Miss Janet Sweet. Janet is a dear soul and very nicelooking; tall, but not over-tall; stoutish, yet with a certain restraint of outline suggestive of a thrifty soul who is not going to be overlavish even in the matter of avoirdupois. She has a knot of soft, crimpy, brown hair with a thread of gray in it, a sunny face with rosy cheeks, and big, kind eyes as blue as forget-me-nots. Moreover, she is one of those delightful, old-fashioned cooks who don't care a bit if they ruin your digestion as long as they can give you feasts of fat things.

  • greeting:あいさつの言葉
  • well-beloved:最愛の人
  • install:就任させる
  • board:下宿する
  • stoutish:太り気味の
  • restraint:抑制
  • outline:概略
  • thrifty:倹約な
  • lavish:贅沢な
  • avoirdupois:体重,肥満
  • knot:結び
  • crimpy hair:縮れ髪
  • thread:細いもの
  • forget-me-not:わすれな草
  • digestion:消化
  • feast:ごちそう