アンの愛情 第十七章

Chapter XVII A Letter from Davyand River Meet(12)

"Mrs. Harmon Andrews prize pig that she talked so much of died in a fit. Mrs. Lynde says it was a judgment on her for pride. But I think it was hard on the pig. Milty Boulter has been sick. The doctor gave him medicine and it tasted horrid. I offered to take it for him for a quarter but the Boulters are so mean. Milty says he'd rather take it himself and save his money. I asked Mrs. Boulter how a person would go about catching a man and she got awful mad and said she dident know, shed never chased men.

  • prize:見事な
  • in a fit:発作的に
  • horrid:ひどく嫌な
  • quarter:25セント
  • mean:けちな