アンの愛情 第十五章

Chapter XV A Dream Turned Upside Down(22)

"Everything," moaned Anne. "I feel as if I were disgraced forever. What do you think a mother would feel like if she found her child tattooed over with a baking powder advertisement? I feel just the same. I loved my poor little story, and I wrote it out of the best that was in me. And it is SACRILEGE to have it degraded to the level of a baking powder advertisement. Don't you remember what Professor Hamilton used to tell us in the literature class at Queen's? He said we were never to write a word for a low or unworthy motive, but always to cling to the very highest ideals. What will he think when he hears I've written a story to advertise Rollings Reliable? And, oh, when it gets out at Redmond! Think how I'll be teased and laughed at!"

  • moan:うめき声を出す
  • disgrace:〜の面目を失わせる
  • tattoo:入れ墨をする
  • baking powder:ベーキングパウダー
  • advertisement:広告
  • sacrilege:神聖冒涜
  • degrade:低下させる
  • literature:文学
  • unworthy motive:卑劣な動機
  • cling to:〜に忠実である
  • tease:からかう