アンの青春 第十九章

CHAPTER XIX Just a Happy Day(41)

"I intend to get up extra early tomorrow morning, for I've ever so much to do," said Anne virtuously. "For one thing, I'm going to shift the feathers from my old bedtick to the new one. I ought to have done it long ago but I've just kept putting it off . . . it's such a detestable task. It's a very bad habit to put off disagreeable things, and I never mean to again, or else I can't comfortably tell my pupils not to do it. That would be inconsistent. Then I want to make a cake for Mr. Harrison and finish my paper on gardens for the A.V.I.S., and write Stella, and wash and starch my muslin dress, and make Dora's new apron."

"You won't get half done," said Marilla pessimistically. "I never yet planned to do a lot of things but something happened to prevent me."

  • extra:特別な
  • virtuously:しとやかに
  • bedtick:(マットレスの)かわ
  • put off:延ばし延ばしにする
  • detestable:憎悪すべき
  • disagreeable:嫌な
  • inconsistent:矛盾する
  • starch:のりをつける
  • muslin:モスリン(白の薄い平織り綿布)
  • pessimistically:悲観的に
  • prevent:阻止する