アンの青春 第十六章

CHAPTER XVI The Substance of Things Hoped For(2)

"But I ain't bread and butter hungry," said Davy in a disgusted tone. "I'm plum cake hungry." "Oh," laughed Anne, laying down her letter and putting her arm about Davy to give him a squeeze, "that's a kind of hunger that can be endured very comfortably, Davy-boy. You know it's one of Marilla's rules that you can't have anything but bread and butter between meals." "Well, gimme a piece then . . . please."

  • disgust:うんざりさせる
  • tone:口調
  • plum cake:プラムケーキ,干しブドウ入りケーキ
  • squeeze:抱擁
  • endure:〜を我慢する
  • gimme:= give me