アンの青春 第十四章

CHAPTER XIV A Danger Averted(2)

"I've just been down to Timothy Cotton's to see if I could get Alice Louise to help me for a few days," she said. "I had her last week, for, though she's too slow to stop quick, she's better than nobody. But she's sick and can't come. Timothy's sitting there, too, coughing and complaining. He's been dying for ten years and he'll go on dying for ten years more. That kind can't even die and have done with it . . . they can't stick to anything, even to being sick, long enough to finish it. They're a terrible shiftless family and what is to become of them I don't know, but perhaps Providence does."

  • cough:せきをする
  • complain:文句を言う
  • have done with:〜と関係を断つ
  • stick to:〜を貫く
  • shiftless:やる気のない,役に立たない
  • providence:神意,神の導き