アンの青春 第九章

CHAPTER IX A Question of Color(2)

"The trouble is, you and Mrs. Lynde don't understand one another," she explained. "That is always what is wrong when people don't like each other. I didn't like Mrs. Lynde at first either; but as soon as I came to understand her I learned to."

"Mrs. Lynde may be an acquired taste with some folks; but I didn't keep on eating bananas because I was told I'd learn to like them if I did," growled Mr. Harrison. "And as for understanding her, I understand that she is a confirmed busybody and I told her so."

  • explain:説明する
  • acquired taste:だんだんと好きになる嗜好品
  • folks:人々
  • growl:腹立ち声で〜と言う,不平を言う
  • as for:〜については
  • confirmed:常習の,病みつきの
  • busybody:おせっかいな人,出しゃばり