アンの青春 第九章

CHAPTER IX A Question of Color(3)

"Oh, that must have hurt her feelings very much," said Anne reproachfully. "How could you say such a thing? I said some dreadful things to Mrs. Lynde long ago but it was when I had lost my temper. I couldn't say them DELIBERATELY."

"It was the truth and I believe in telling the truth to everybody."

"But you don't tell the whole truth," objected Anne. "You only tell the disagreeable part of the truth. Now, you've told me a dozen times that my hair was red, but you've never once told me that I had a nice nose."

  • hurt:感情を損なう
  • reproachfully:とがめるように
  • dreadful thing:ひどいこと
  • lose one's temper:癇癪を起こす,腹を立てる
  • deliberately:故意に
  • believe in:〜が正しいと思う
  • object:反対する,異議を唱える
  • disagreeable:嫌な