赤毛のアン 第三十五章

CHAPTER XXXV The Winter at Queen's(3)

"But I shouldn't think she was the sort of girl Gilbert would like," whispered Jane to Anne. Anne did not think so either, but she would not have said so for the Avery scholarship. She could not help thinking, too, that it would be very pleasant to have such a friend as Gilbert to jest and chatter with and exchange ideas about books and studies and ambitions. Gilbert had ambitions, she knew, and Ruby Gillis did not seem the sort of person with whom such could be profitably discussed.

  • sort:好みのタイプ
  • whisper:ささやく
  • scholarship:奨学金
  • jest:冗談を言う
  • chatter:くだらないことをしゃべる
  • exchange ideas:考えを出し合う
  • profitably:有益に