赤毛のアン 第十九章

CHAPTER XIX. A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession(4)

Anne did remember it and was back in the stipulated time, although probably no mortal will ever know just what it cost her to confine the discussion of Diana's important communication within the limits of ten minutes. But at least she had made good use of them.

"Oh, Marilla, what do you think? You know tomorrow is Diana's birthday. Well, her mother told her she could ask me to go home with her from school and stay all night with her. And her cousins are coming over from Newbridge in a big pung sleigh to go to the Debating Club concert at the hall tomorrow night. And they are going to take Diana and me to the concert--if you'll let me go, that is. You will, won't you, Marilla? Oh, I feel so excited."

  • stipulated time:規定時間
  • mortal:死すべき者
  • confine:制限する
  • at least:少なくとも
  • make good use of:〜を活用する
  • pung:箱型そり
  • sleigh:(馬車の)そり
  • that is:すなわち