赤毛のアン 第十六章

CHAPTER XVI. Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results(3)

"It was dreadful of me to forget," said Anne apologetically, "but that was the afternoon I was trying to think of a name for Violet Vale and it crowded other things out. Matthew was so good. He never scolded a bit. He put the tea down himself and said we could wait awhile as well as not. And I told him a lovely fairy story while we were waiting, so he didn't find the time long at all. It was a beautiful fairy story, Marilla. I forgot the end of it, so I made up an end for it myself and Matthew said he couldn't tell where the join came in."

"Matthew would think it all right, Anne, if you took a notion to get up and have dinner in the middle of the night. But you keep your wits about you this time. And--I don't really know if I'm doing right--it may make you more addlepated than ever--but you can ask Diana to come over and spend the afternoon with you and have tea here."

  • dreadful:ひどい
  • apologetically:すまなさそうに,弁解がましく
  • crowd out:締め出す,押しのける
  • scold:しかる
  • fairy story:おとぎ話,作り話,童話
  • make up:作り上げる
  • join:継ぎ目
  • take a notion:突然〜しようと思い付く
  • keep one's wits about one:気を引き締めている,如才なく立ち回る
  • addlepated:頭の混乱した,常軌を逸した