赤毛のアン 第十六章

CHAPTER XVI. Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results(4)

"Oh, Marilla!" Anne clasped her hands. "How perfectly lovely! You ARE able to imagine things after all or else you'd never have understood how I've longed for that very thing. It will seem so nice and grown-uppish. No fear of my forgetting to put the tea to draw when I have company. Oh, Marilla, can I use the rosebud spray tea set?"

"No, indeed! The rosebud tea set! Well, what next? You know I never use that except for the minister or the Aids. You'll put down the old brown tea set. But you can open the little yellow crock of cherry preserves. It's time it was being used anyhow--I believe it's beginning to work. And you can cut some fruit cake and have some of the cookies and snaps."

  • clasp:握りしめる
  • long for:〜を待ち焦がれる
  • draw tea:茶を入れる
  • company:友達,訪問者
  • rosebud:バラのつぼみ
  • spray:小枝(飾り)
  • except for:〜以外に
  • minister:牧師
  • Aids:Church Aid Society(教会援助協会のことかな)
  • put down:下ろす
  • crock:壷,ビン
  • preserve:(ビン詰めの)果物の砂糖煮
  • work:目的どおりに機能する,使える(砂糖煮としておいしくなる)
  • snap:カリカリするクッキー,スナック