赤毛のアン 第八章

CHAPTER VIII. Anne's Bringing-up Is Begun(21)

She danced up to the little looking-glass and peered into it. Her pointed freckled face and solemn gray eyes peered back at her.

"You're only Anne of Green Gables," she said earnestly, "and I see you, just as you are looking now, whenever I try to imagine I'm the Lady Cordelia. But it's a million times nicer to be Anne of Green Gables than Anne of nowhere in particular, isn't it?"

She bent forward, kissed her reflection affectionately, and betook herself to the open window.

  • looking glass:鏡,姿見
  • peer into:〜をのぞき込む
  • pointed:鋭い
  • freckled:そばかすのある
  • solemn:まじめくさった
  • earnestly:まじめに
  • bend:曲げる
  • forward:前方へ
  • reflection:鏡映
  • betake oneself to:〜へ行く