Voice of a Citizen in Japan

Tentative Translation

Message to Chinese People (Japanese is here)

Your country teach children or student that Japan is invader and Japanese are cruel people.

But it is incorrect.

The aim of World War II of Japan, is to survive and security reason from United States rigid control.

After World War II, Japan has changed,

Now, Japan is one of the most democratic nation in the world.

This can easily proved, just see present Japan.

Now, Japan give your country a good amount of economic assistance and technical assistance.

Do you know this?

Your country fabricate many story or number of victims in World War II,

e.g. number of victims in Nanjing massacre.

e.g. show photos nothing to do with facts.

In order to construct good relationship between China and Japan,

China must change education, and teach children or student or all citizen in China,

that Japan is not what it was.

Chinese government told people that Japan is invader, and eliminate all other thought .

This style is just like as Japanese past Army.

This lead nation to fascism.

I hope your country become democratic country and not fascism country.

(Mar. 30, 2001)

Especially, we are very appreciate for Chinese people, who brout up Japanese children left behind in China after World War II.

At that time, there were lots of difficulties, to bring up Japanese children.

I think any words is not enough to express thanks .

This feelings must be very helpful to promote good relationship between China and Japan.

(April 30, 2001)

See This is the truth of Chinese History

    Welcome any correction or point out of mistakes in English translation.

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