People We met in trekking

● Mr. and Mrs. Eredi

We met Mr. and Mrs. Eredi in Machhapuchhare B.C.
They were from Italy. They and we had followed the same trekking route.
Their trekking was comping-style with a guide and some kitchen-boys
and some porters, eleven of them in all. They said they had a travel
on Christmas and New year vacation. Mr. Eredi said he likes Bluse Lee
and Cliff Hanger very much. We were surprised because he run
at Annapurna B.C. His wife took on a reporter of our video willingly.
Thank you, see you!!



 We met Ms.Cristina Cecchini in a hot-spring resort on our way
back from Annnapurna B.C.  She was from Italy. She had a travel
by herself, and she took her guide of the Sherpas. She was on her
way to Annapurna B.C. She said she was able to take a vacation
for a long time relatively, and she have many friends because she
have traveled all over the world. She took on a reporter of our
video willingly also. After she and we left each other, we went
back to Pokhara. But a view of the Annapurna area from Pokhara
was not very wonderful. We hope she had a nice trekking.
Thank you, see you!!.

● Japaness girls

●Japaness Alpinist


                Please Mail To

1 行動の記録
3 出会った人々 その2  People We met in NEPAl No2
4 宿、食事、おみやげ、観光
5 トレッキングの手配
