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From monthly paper "Hidankyo" - September 1998

Let's hand down the lesson of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 5, the event of Let's hand down the lesson of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was held with 350 participants in Hiroshima, jointly planed by Hidankyo and Local Hidankyo of Hiroshima.

Ms. Sakae Ito, Co-Chairperson of Hidankyo, spoke to the participants that she would continue to work for creating a real peaceful world.

Seven hibakusha and some children recited the testimonies, showing "The A-bomb and Humanity" photo panels. Ms. Ito, Mr. Sunao Tsuboi, Secretary General of Hiroshima Hidankyo and Ms. Hideko Matsuya, plaintiff of the Nagasaki A-bomb Matsuya Lawsuit, also testified in front of the photo panels they were taken respectively. Those testimonies made a deep impression on the participants.

Mr. Nori Tohei, Secretary General of Hidankyo, made an appeal from Hidankyo and Atty. Masanori Ikeda talked on the meaning of the Matsuya Lawsuit at the Supreme Court.

Delegates of India and Pakistan spoke to the participants with solidality.

On August 8, the other event for winning the Matsuya case was held with 120 participants in Nagasaki. At the event Ms. Matsuya expressed her will to fight until the day of final justice with all the people who have supported her.

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