SDR#1430 + DDE install

I installed the new virsion of SDR# Ver1.0.0.1430 into my Windows_7 PC.
It was run the plug-in "SDRSharp.DDETracker.dll" and it was able to feed the
frequency including the Doppler shift of the satellite from time to time to SDR#.

[Setup steps]

1. Download DDE ( "My DDE Client 1.05" from the site below.
   Unzip it in the same folder of Orbitron.
   Add "SDRSharp = SDRSharp.exe" in the next line in the item of Setup.cfg [Drivers]
   in the folder of "Orbitron - Config".

   MyDDE=C:\Program Files\orbitron\DDE\MyDDE.exe

2. Download from the site below.
   Unzip it in the same folder of Orbitron.

3. Add the following sentence in Plugins.xml of SDR#.
   <add key="DDE Tracking Client" value="SDRSharp.DDETracker.DdeTrackingPlugin,SDRSharp.DDETracker" />

4. Run Orbitron at first and run SDR# at second.
   Press the Start button by setting the frequency to SDR #.
   Check in "DDE Tracking Client" -> Options -> Orbitron,
   and press the Connect button in "DDE Tracking Client".

5. Select the satellite from the right column in the Main tab of Orbitron.
   Select "MyDDE" in the "Driver" box in "Orbitron - Rotor/Radio" tab.
   "DDE Client" will be run immediately when you click the button on the
   right side. The frequency on SDR# begins to automatically track the
   satellite in the flow such as "Orbitron -> DDE -> SDR#".


[Startup procedure]

Satellite Tracker:
   Orbitron run-> DDE run-> SDR# run and start -> Satellite Tracker: Enable
    -> Tracking Software: Orbitron -> Connect -> SDR# automatic tracking frequency

DDE Tracker:
   Orbitron run -> SDR# run and start -> DDE Tracking Client Options: Orbitron
    -> Connect -> Orbitron DDE run -> SDR# automatic tracking frequency

[Download URL]

SDR# v1.0.0.1430 (
DDE/SDR# add-on (SDR# 1411 and later)


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