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 @hPoem of Mts.YATSUGADAKEh@@‚n‚m‚a‚`‚r‚g‚h‚q‚`@‚r‚‚…‚ƒ‚‰‚‚Œ

"Here is Miyagawa, Cross river point, Oh my God, God bless me!"                     

    mKawagoshin  Crossing Water@                          @Apr.3,4, 2004.         

Loosing its balance       The 1st of Maemiya plunged into the water. 'Medoteko'
was broken and youngsters on the pole fell into the cold stream with a big splash

The largest   The 1st of Honmiya, is now making its majestic proceed toward the bank.
 The young and the old, everybody are very proud of their parade.

Various performance were seen: Small boat ride, The standard flag carried by
the old captain himself , Small carriage with captain and flag on it, etc

At 5:43p.m. @@@@The 2nd of Honmiya is still on the bank of Miyagawa. @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@Big lights is not enough to lighten up the sight

Snowfall  The 4th of Honmiya is waiting for its time near the bank. Snow is heavily falling to cover
 the ground white.

fighting   April 4 is the last day for Kamisha proceed. All the 8 huge logs should reach to 
Onbashirayashiki within that day. It is the important and solemn promise to God.

The place of Kawagoshi is at Ankokuji, Chino city. It is just beside the Chuo high
 way.@ Miyagawa flows from the Minami-Yatugadake.  It is 40 meters wide,@@@
 2 meters deep.@The bank is 4 meters high. The woods cross the water from 
the upstream to@the downstream, so the length of crossing in the water is longer
 than 40 meters.@Melted snow from the mountain is about 10 degree centigrade, 
or sometimes much colder. The native paper said it was under 6 degree at 1p.m.
 Apr. 4. @ According to those@facts, The 3rd of Honmiya and The 3rd of Maemiya 
crossed the river without 'Medo‚”eko' and riders on it.                                                
  Police report says there were 460,000 people total in 3days, 20,000 people more
 than previous festival. The last day was snowy and cold, that 47,000 people     
Today,  the Onbashira Festival is famous and popular among all        
over Japan.   It should be talked about appropriate solution for the problem. 
These are  delay of the schedule and lack of comfortable seats for visitors.                


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       žTo Shimosha-Kiotoshi @@@  ž Prelude to The Festival 
 žTo Shimosha- Satobiki          @ž To Japanese edition   
  žTo Local Onbashira Fest.‡@
         žTo Local Onbashira Fest‡A



CopyRight  A.Hattori   2004.
