

ドクター・クラッシャーはなんとかブリッジまで逃げ延びたようですが、彼女たちから逃れたリリィー はピカードと遭遇。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズE艦長
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Worf:対Borg戦用戦闘艦「Defiant」号を指揮、Lieutenant Commander(少佐)
Lily Sloane:Cochraneの相棒。21世紀の人。Picardとの出会いが双方にとって大きな出会いとなる。

Da: Captain, I believe I am feeling anxiety. It is an intriguing sensation. A most distracting...
P: Data, I'm sure it's fascinating experience. But perhaps you should deactivate your emotion chip for now.
Da: Good idea, sir. Done.
P: Data, there are times that I envy you.

Cr: It's only me.
Wo: Are you all right?
Cr: Yes. But we have wounded here.
Wo: Lopez, get these people back to deck 14.
Cr: There was a civilian. A woman from the 21st century. We got separated.
Wo: We will watch for her.
Cr: Worf, she has no idea what's going on. Try to find her.

P: Lower your weapons. They'll ignore us till they consider us a threat. The manual release? Mr. Worf, hold this position.
Co: Manual release is on-line.
P: Perhaps we should just knock. Data.
Wo: Ready phasers!
P: Data, cover me.
Wo: Captain, they've adapted.
P: Regroup on deck 15. Don't let them touch you!
M1: Captain!
P: Data! Here!
M1: Captain! Help! Please, help!

P: You, how the hell did you...
Li: Back off!
P: Calm down!
Li: Shut up! Who are you?
P: My name is Jean-Luc Picard.
Li: No, who are you with? What faction?
P: I'm not a member of the eastern coalition. Listen!
Li: I said shut up. I don't care who you're with. Get me the hell out of here. Now!
P: That isn't going to be easy.
Li: What(?)! You'd better find a way to make it easy, soldier. or I'm gonna start pushing buttons.
P: All right. Follow me.
Li: Slow!

By Picard
