

データとボーグ・クイーンの最初の接触があります。また、ライカー達は、プライムディレクティブ を無視してコクランに現状を説明。


William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Dr. Zefram Cochrane:人類史上初めてワープ航行可能な宇宙船を建造し、異星人とのFirst Contactを実現した人物。21世紀の人。
Borg Queen:Borg collectiveを統括するもの

Da: Your efforts to break the encrytpion codes will not be successful, nor will your attmepts to assimilate me into your collective.
BQ: Brave words. I've heard them before from thousands of species across thousands of worlds since long before you were created. But now, they are all Borg.
Da: I am unlike any life form you have encoutered before. The codes stored in my neural net cannot be forcibly removed.
BQ: You are an imperfect being created by an imperfect being. Finding your weakness is only a matter of time.

Co: Let me just make sure that I understand you correctly, Commander. A group of cybernetic creatures from the future have traveled back through time to enslave the human race, and you're here to stop them.
R: That's right.
Co: Hot damn. You're heroic! Ha ha ha...
R: We're gonna prove it to you. Geordi!
Ge: There she is.
Co: Yeah.
Ge: Beautiful! All right, take a look.
Co: Well, well, well... What we got here? I love a good peep show. Ha ha ha. That's a trick. How'd you do that?
Ge: It's your telescope.
De: That's our ship, the Enterprise.
Co: And, uh, Lily's up there right now?
De: That's right.
Co: Can I talk to her?
R: We've lost contact with the Enterprise. We don't know why yet.
Co: So, what is it you want me to do?
R: Simple. Conduct your warp flight tomorrow morning just as you planned.
Co: Why tomorrow morning?
R: Because at 11:00 an alien ship will begin passing through this solar system.
Co: Alien. You mean extraterrestrials? More bad guys?
De: Good guys. They're on a survey mission. They have no interest in Earth, too primitive.
Co: Oh!
R: Doctor, tomorrow morning when they detect warp signiture from your ship and realize that humans have discovered how to travel faster than light, they decide to alter their course and make first contact with Earth right here.
Co: Here?
Ge: Uh, actually over there.
R: It is one of the pivotal moments in human history, Doctor. You get to make first contact with an alien race. And after you do, everything begins to change.
Ge: Your theories on warp drive allow fleets of starships to be built and mankind to start exploring the galaxy.
De: It unites humanity in a way that no one ever thought possible when they realize they're not alone in the universe. Poverty, disease, war... they'll all be gone within the next 50 years.
R: But unless you make that warp flight tomorrow morning before 11:15, none of it will happen.
Co: And you people, you're all astronauts on some kind of star trek.
Ge: Look, Doc, I know this is a lot for you to take in, but we're running out of time here. We need your help.
R: What do you say?
Co: Why not?

By MARIE & Picard
