

データは目覚めましたが、彼の得た情報はあまりにも多いのでしょう。混沌とした情報をいかに 活用すべきか?


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)

M1: He's checking out fine, Doctor.
Cr: Thank you, finish it later, please.
Da: I was an excellent choice for them, Captain. They were able to communicate with me quite...I was about to say quite easily but there was nothing easy about it. Fortunately they stop short of overloading my circuitry.
P: You saying "they". So it is a vessel or some sort.
Da: Definitely not a single entity of(?) that what you mean, sir, although they know the Edo worship them a God thing.
P: They know.
Da: They recognize that this is quite expected and harmless for(?) the present Edo stage of evolution.
P: What sort of vessel?
Da: It is perhaps not what we understand as a vessel, sir. The dimensions this one occupies are loud(?) and to mutiple(?) several places at once. They considered that this entire star cluster is theirs. It was probably unwise of us to attempt to place a human colony in this area. Of course there are three thousand four other planets in this star cluster which we could've colonized. The largest M class...
P: Data! Don't bubble!
Da: Bubble, sir? I'm not aware that I ever bubble, sir. Maybe that from time to time I have considerable information to communicate. And you may question when which I organize it.
P: Please! Organize it and(?) brief answer to my questions. We have a very little time. Do they accept our presence at this planet?
Da: Undecided, sir.
P: Data, please feel free to volunteer any important information.
Da: I volunteer that they are now observing us, sir.
P: To judge what kind of life forms we are.
Da: No. It is more curiousity. I doubt that they expect us to abide by their value systems.
P: Does he know about the prime directive?
Da: They know everything I know, sir.
P: And...If we would violate the prime directive...
Cr: That's not a fair question.
P: How do they react?
Da: In case of judging us by own rule, sir. If we violate our own prime directive, they might consider us to be deceitful and untrust for them(?). You do recall their caution does "not interfere with their children below".
Cr: Hw...
Da: What has happened?
Cr: The Edo want to excute my son. I want not to allow that to happen, Jean-Luc.
Da: Most interesting, sir. Emotion of mother hurt(?) is compared to all other spelt(?) by...
Cr: Shut up!
Da: You're right, sir. I do tend to bubble.

By Picard
