

イドの住民がピカードと共にエンタープライズに転送してきます。そこで神を目撃。圧倒されます。 そうでしょうね、神を見る、あるいは神と同じ位置にいるなんて経験はまずしないでしょうから。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)

EF1: But this is a city. A great city.
Cr: Captain, I've just seen ??? away team report about Wesley.
P: In a moment, Doctor.
Cr: In a moment?
P: Exactly, in a moment. You'd about to say.
EF1: Oh, since you have all this power, why you've(?) been concerned about our laws? You'd protect the boy from us.
P: It's not that simple. From the starboard lounge, you can see whatever is outside this vessel.
EF1: Do you mean my world? You said we would be higher above it.
P: And somethng else that's circling your world. It's very important to us. And perhaps to you to know what it is. I'm sorry, Rivon, but this is necessary. Do you know what that is?
De: Can you tell us what it is?
P: Is it God? Now it's very important that you answer something. How do you recognize what it is?
De: Nothing will harm you. I promise. Just tell us how you recognize it.
EF1: It has appeared before.
P: Can you speak to it? Does it speak to you?
De: Captain!
O: Return my child!
De: Coming toward us.
P: Picard, transporter room. Come in!
De: Yes, do that, but hurry!
Cr: It's still coming toward us.
Tr: Transporter chief to Captain.
P: One to beam down to our away team location. Hurry! Engage! Transpoter room, urgent, engage!
Cr: It seems the Edo's God is very protective of its children.
P: I had no choice but to learn about that thing from her. I'm sorry I had to. She was so frightened.
De: It's understandble, sir. Sharing the orbit with God is no small experience.
P: Let's go see your patient, Doctor.

Cr: What do you intend to do about my son?
P: He's been healthily(?) safe until sundown.
Cr: When you face his execution, although he comitted no crime, cirtainly none of sane(?) and(?) reasonable person.....
P: You saw what that thing is about to do?
Cr: I apologize, sir. But this is very diffucult for me. If he were your son, you'd be as frightened....
P: But I am.
Cr: Data's in sick bay, here. You'll find him able to talk to you.

By Picard
