

ピカードは本人なのか?ライカー達はなんとかピカードの正体を明らかにしようと試みますが、 いかんせん。相手は艦長ですからね〜。医療部長の権限や副長の権限をもってしてもなかなか うまくいきません。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ

R: First officer's log suplemental. At the meeting with the senior officers, Doctor Crusher and I had decided to approach the Captain Picard's recent behavior.

P: Yes?
Cr: I'd like you to come to sick bay for some examinations, Captain.
P: Oh, I'd be glad to when I'm free.
Cr: I'd like to conduct them now, sir.
P: Why? What can I do for you, Number One?
R: Sir, Conselor Troi has reccomended the examination.
P: Same question, why?
R: It is my duty to inform the Captain. We believe he may be under some kind of alien influence that may constitute a danger to this ship.
P: I consier it equally possible that two of you and Conselor Troi have overworked and possibly suffering hallucinations and this is an order. You'll arrange medical and psychiatric exams both for youself and them. Doctor, are you aware everyone's behaving strangely?
Cr: I'm concerned that you suddenly turned the ship away from its course.
P: What's happened to your mind, Doctor? The search for knowledge is always our primary mission. I'm sorry, I, I really am too busy for this kind of nonsense. Do I have to call security to force you to report to the sick bay?
Cr: No, sir.

R: What the hell!
S1: Sorry, wrong species.
R: Riker to security chief!
Ta: Yar, here.
R: Security guard to the engineering deck. Selay's playing hide-and-seek down here, ????????? Anticans. The lethal(?) game. I want them to return to the quarters under guard.
Ta: Right away, sir.

P: Come! What do you want?
Cr: Here's the result from exams you ordered, sir. You don't care to inspect them. Please! Are you Jean-Luk?
P: He is here.
Cr: A(?Is) Jean-Luk I know?
P: And more.
Cr: The more frightens me.
P: ????????? us. We wish you could understand the glorious adventure ahead.
Cr: You and...
P: Soon we'll both be home.

By 茜

