

謎のエネルギー体はとうとうピカードに侵入しました。エンタープライズ号を反転させ、 元のエネルギー雲に戻っていきます。艦長を罷免するわけにもいかないしね〜。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

We: That engine computer net wasn't repaired, sir. It just suddenly became all right.
Ge: You know sometimes as(?) the result that accounts, you know. What ah, oh, no...
Wo: What is it?
Ge: Powers(?) controls went down. She won't respond.
Wo: Reach the Captain. You're needed here immediately.
Ge: Wes, alert engineering from your panel, all right?
We: I'm trying.
P: Report.
Wo: Helm's down, sir. There's no apparent reason.
Ge: Captain, we've just dropped the impulse power.
Sir, are you all right that I thought that I just...saw...
P: I'm fine. Everything's fine now.

P: Why the(?) dropped impulse power, Lieutenant?
Ge: The helm's suddenly mulfunctioning, sir.
P: Mulfunctioning? You're wrong, look again.
Ge: Captain, I was ju...
R: Mr. La Forge!
Ge: Wo the, there's nothing wrong with that now, sir. Everything is just as it should be.
P: In that case, make our heading, 9-2-5 mark 3, 7.
Ge: Sir?
P: You have a problem with our heading, Lieutenant?
Ge: You wanna double back on our course, sir.
P: Isn't that what I ordered?
Ge: Yes, sir.
R: Sir, I'm puzzled by reversing our course.
P: At energy cloud, commander. I believe it important we have another look at it.
R: But we're behind schejule for Parliament already.
P: I believe a very important scientific discovery awaits for some this heading.
De: Perhaps you'd like to share your reasoning on that, sir.
Da: Yes, since we obtained only minimum information on our sensor pass(?) orbit.
P: Right, Data. We must go back to learn more. Counselor, do you believe a ship captain should explain every order?
De: Of course not, sir.

A1: I demand to see the Captain!
Ob: Stop! Return to your quarters.
S1: What is that doing on our deck?
A1: I demand to know why this starship has changed the course.
Ob: Please, return to your quarters, delegates.

Da: A mere change of direction hardly justifies the mutiny.
Cr: Exactly what do you believe you're sensing from him?
De: It's just the feeling that, well, that he's closed part of his mind to me. I just feel that the Captain has become perhaps dangerous.
R: Is he dangerous? If...
Ge: Then he has to be relieved in command. Which you could do, Doctor. But it's beaucoup trouble if you're wrong.
Da: And at the moment it is all pure speculation. He's done nothing to subject the Enterprise to danger.
Cr: I need the medical logs that is clear evidence of incapacity. You could do it without that problem.
R: Only if all commander officers agreed it is vital to do so. But he's not showing any overt unusual behavior.
De: Ultimately, I believe he will.
Cr: As a second in command, it's still in your corner, I'll order medical psychiatric exams. You have to back me up somehow.

By Picard

