

どうやら、何者かが侵入したことが明らかになってきました。人間の心の二重性のために、 カウンセラーが気づくのが遅れたわけですね〜。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ

Ta: One thing is clear. Almost all the peace delegates answered the questions were lies.
Da: In precise, Lieutenant. They admitted certain truth which in itself tells us something.
Ta: We can learn something from non-disclosure?
Da: Indubitably, my good woman.
R: Something that Captain mentioned, Sherlock Holmes, indubitably, Data has been studying him.
Da: Has studied it, sir, every case. As Holmes would've pointed out, during the time in question, something was a foot.
Ta: A foot?
Da: While both sensor(?) of delegates say they were in their quarters. A crew locaters sensed them passing here and here.
Ta: The sensor doesn't show where they went for still in the dark.
Da: On the contrary, my dear coleague. On their return, their(?) medical supply is apprapriate to the treatment of minor wounds and abrasions on these life forms.
R: That leads us to only one conclusion.
Da: Exactly. That they were too engaged in their own affairs to disable the ship and to murder the engineer. Given the choice, they will rather kill each other than any of us. It's elementary, my dear Riker, sir.

De: Biverly, can you hear me? I want you to go back in your mind to the moment when you first recall this sensation of memory loss. Picture it exactly as it occured.
Cr: He is lying on the hospital bed sedated. I'm walking up to him. I, uh...
De: How do you feel it at this moment as you lean over him to take his specimen.
Cr: I feel someone else. There's someone else who's there. Not ah, not alone, get out, get out of my mind.
De: That's almost exactly what you said. As though there was something else inside you, which confirms the feeling of duality that I sense earlier in both of them.
P: Why didn't you report it?
De: Because, sir, I assumed at first it was a kind of duality that we Betazoid feel in all of you, even you, sir. When you approach your decision and ask yourself which direction to go, who you talking to.
P: Um...your hypnotism revealed another form of duality.
De: Yes, sir. I believe something invaded them.
Cr: It seems to be the only possible conclusion.
P: Data...let's proceed without a pipe.
Da: Yes, sir. If you wish, sir. But I ask if you take it incontrovertible that it cannot be a family member or one of the crew.
P: Yes, very unlikely.
Da: Then our investigation was worth while, sir. We eliminate the both of delegates and the ship's regular complement.
P: Data, what are you suggesting?
Da: I'm referring to the great detective's credo, sir. I quote, "We must fall back on the old axiom that another contingencies fail, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

By Picard

