

シン、死す。今回初登場のシン、聞き取りにくいなまりでしたが(関係無いけど)死んで しまいましたね〜。疑いはアンティカンとセレーに向けられますが。。。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

We: How about here, Mr Singh? If the control network breaks off at this point...
Sh: That leaves(I believe?) warp-in command's off to dead ends. Excellent! But I believe I can handle it from here Mr question.
We: But sir...
Sh: You are scheduled for class work(right?) now. Sorry.
We: Yes, sir. But I don't learn nearly as this much in school.
Sh: Oh, I tend to agree. But the Captain's orders on this are very clear.

Cr: Hi! Solve any new problems today?
We: I was starving(?), too maybe. Mr Singh's set me off to class.
Cr: Wes, you're an only acting ensign. If you've got to let a commision officer do some of the work.
We: Mom? I've learned a lot more than I understand. For example, the Chaning's dilitium crystals theory I was telling you about?
Cr: When were you telling me about that?
We: This morning, don't you remember?
Cr: Honestly I don't remember.

Wo: Engineering to Captain Picard! Security alert!
P: Picard.
Wo: Lieutenant Worf, sir. I just found Mr Singh. He's dead.

P: Captain's log stardate 41249.4. I ordered the immediate investigation into the death of the assistant chief engineer Singh. We continue to run on impulse power.

We: He could've been working there restoring warp power.
Ge: According(?) these readings, we go back to warp speed now.
We: That isn't the same readings just when I left.
Wo: Singh probably repaired just before he was killed.
We: He couldn't've repaired, sir. The problem's inside the engines.
Ge: Who else could've corrected, Wes? Report the bridge engine stance.
Wo: Engineering to bridge. We now have warp capacity, sir, all power on line.
P: Well done. Warp engine's ready, on previous heading. Warp factor six.

A1: I torelate these questions, Lieteunant Yar, because I need this vessel to get us to Parliament. Your ship warp problems do not concern me.
Ta: They should. Our delays are your delays.
A1: The peace conference will wait for us.
Ta: I must ask where you're doing this vessels' earth hours of eighteen hundred last night and zero seven hundred this morning.
A1: Eating.
Ta: Sir. We're talking about hours here.
A1: It was a large meal, Lieutenant Yar, and a very interesting animal.

Wo: You wanted me, Doctor?
Cr: Yes, concerning your memory black out.
Wo: I still don't remember having one.
Cr: The same thing happened to me.
De: I want to try hypnosis on both of you. It may restore your memory as to what happened.

By Picard

