

エンタープライズで次々と故障が発生。ついにはワープエンジンも機能しなくなります。 一方、アンティカンとセレーは勝手に反目しています。この事態を如何に収拾するか? シャーロック・ホームズの登場(^o^;


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ

P: And you are telling me that there are no explanations for these malfunctions?
R: At least, sir, all the department heads reported the damage repaired.
P: That was not my question, Number One. What caused the malfunctions?
si: I believe it was a rampant electronic short that jumped from system to system, sir. But the only thing is, ah...
P: Yes, Mr. Singh?
si: That shouldn't be possible. The affected systems don't generally interact with each other. And where they do, well... it wasn't an interlink that was malfunctioning.
P: Have you spoken with Chief Engineer Argyole about this problem?
si: With all the engineering staff, sir. They're just as puzzled.
P: Well I'm not satisfied. I want an explanation of this by the time we reach Parliament.
si: But, sir!
P: By the time we reach Parliament, Mr. Singh.

R: These weapons were taken from two of you people who were loitering out of sight in the vicinity of the Selay delegation's quarters. Do you care to explain, sir?
A1: These are not weapons, First Officer. They are tools. We use these to dispatch the animals we consume.
Ta: Your food supply is not on the same deck as the Selay delegation, sir.
R: And you have to admit that these could kill.
A1: Ah, I admit some of my people are impulsive and we all have reason to hate the Selay.
Ta: They appear to have the same feelings about you, sir.
A1: Ah, the nature of politics.
R: Nevertheless, Chief Eelegate, you are on notice that all of your weapons, no matter what their basic function, are being confiscated. Violence will not be tolerated on the Enterprise.
A1: Of course not. And if any does occur, let me assure you it will not be we Anticans who start it.
Ta: Thank you, sir.
A1: But we will finish it.

Wo: Sir! Warp power is fading.
P: Picard to Engineering. What is the problem?
si: We've lost the warp engine computer tie.
Wo: Warp five, four, three, two.
P: State-of-the-art vessle? Data, signal Parliament we'll be delayed. We will send a new arrival time as soon as it is determined.
Da: Sir, subspace radio is out.

P: All right, gentlemen. Your theories on this sudden vulnerability in our systems.
Da: If the Enterprise were really this fragile, sir, she never have left spacedock. Therefore, her systems failures are not endemic to the ship but are the result of the acctions of unknown adversary.
R: We have a saboteur aboard.
Da: I believe I said that.
P: Gentlemen, the question is who? I can't believe it's one of our own people.
R: Agreed. There must be someone from either alien delegation. Now(?) if the Ferengi could've bought or bribed even one of them that's all they'd need.
Da: Ferengi contacts have been detected on both Selay and Antica, sir.
P: Can either of you suggest any other suspects?
R: You're sounding like a private eye, sir.
Da: Inquiry? Private eye?
P: A private consulting investigater, Data, who solves crimes.
Da: Um. Most interesting occupation.
P: In the world of fact, probably not. However in literature, criminal detection could be a fascinating exercise. The immortal Sherlock Holmes would have an interesting view of our mystery, I believe.
R: But I'm afraid we're going to have to find out solution without history's greatest consulting detective.

By Picard

