

ここで、この時代の人間は既に生きた動物の肉は食べないことが分かります。本来の牛肉とか 豚肉はもう食べないのですね。すべて蛋白質も含めて合成食品というわけです。まあ、これなら 狂牛病にかかる心配もないね(^o^;


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

Ta: Sorry to call you, sir. Not strictly security. It's about the dietary requirements of the Antican delegates.
R: I thought that had been taken care of in advance, Tasha.
Ta: So did we, sir. Their live animals were beamed aboard. We were going to prserve the meat for them, but...they say we must bring it to them alive.
R: Then do so. Lieutenant Yar was confused. We no longer enslave animals for food purposes.
A1: But we have seen humans eat meat.
R: You've seen something as fresh and tasty as meat but inorganically materialized out of patterns used by our transporters.
A1: Sickening. It's barbaric!

De: He's reading normal now. How did you manage that?
Cr: Yes, normal.
De: Are you all right?
Cr: Yes, perfectly. Both of us quite normal now.
Wo: Hwap, where am I?
De: Don't you remember? You were in the sensor maintenance room.
Wo: I remember monitoring the sensor console. What am I doing here?
De: That's a story the doctor will tell you.

P: Obviously you seem to feel it's something we should look at more carefully.
Da: A mystery is only a mystery as long as it remains uninvestigated, sir.
P: Umm...I love a mystery, Data. But this one will have to wait until we've delivered the delegates to their peace confenrence on Parliament. Time and tide, Lieutenant La Forge. Go to warp eight.
Ge: Warp eight, sir.

We: Hi, Mom. You're back early.
Cr: Yes.
We: Physical sciences class. We're studying Dr. Channing's theory on dilithium crystals.
Cr: Tell me about it.
We: Really? You never seemed that interested in warp theory before. Dr. Channing thinks it's possible to force dilithium into even more useful crystals. If, as shown here, matter and antimatter could be aligned even more efficiently.
Cr: Would that affect navigation?
We: This is engineering, not helm control.
Cr: Oh, yes. The helm is located on the bridge.
We: Mom? Is something wrong?

Cr: This is the helm.
Ge: Unless there have been some changes, I don't know about.
P: Dr. Crusher!
Cr: You will wish to know Lieutenant Worf is much improved. Ready to return to duty.
P: What was the diagnosis?
Cr: A temoprary mental aberration.
P: Doctor! When such a diagnosis concernes a Bridge officer I expect a better explanation.
Cr: Then I will have to first run some cross-checks on the library computer. Klingons are so unusual in their reactions, aren't they?
P: Use Science Station 2, Doctor.
Da: Intriguing, Doctor. What does helm control have to do with medical cross-checks?
Cr: Why am I...
Da: Is something wrong, Doctor?
P: Doctor? Are you all right?
Cr: Yes. Yes, I'll do my work in my office. That's where I should be.
P: Do you want someone to accompany you?
Da: Captain! There is a malfunction in this station. I cannot bring any information up on it. Science 2 does not function either, sir.
Sh: Engineering to Captain Picard. We have something wrong with warp drive circuitry, sir
??: Transporter Room 6 to Bridge. Reporting transporter console malfunction, sir.
P: Data, this ship is less than a year out of spacedock. What are the chances of this occurring?
Da: It is a virtual impossibility, sir.
P: So what the hell is going on here?

By Picard

