



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)

P: What you have done will have serious ramifications. I'm truly dismayed that you told no one of what you were doing.
Da: I am sorry, Captain. I did not anticipate your objections. Do you wish me to deactivate Lal?
P: It's a life, Data. It can't be activated and deactivated simply. This is the most stupendous undertaking. Have you any idea what will happen when Starfleet learns about this?
Da: I have followed all of Starfleet's regulations to the best of my ability. I expected they will be pleased.
P: Well, you have taken on quite a responsibility, Data.
Da: To prepare, I have scanned all available literature on parenting. There seems to be much confusion on this issue. One traditional doctor insists, "Spare the rod and spoil the child", suggesting impunitive approach, while another more liberal attitude would allow the child enormous freedom.
P: Data.
Da: And what Klingons do to their children...
P: Data, I am not talking about parenting. I am talking about the extraordinary consequences of creating a new life.
Da: Does that not describe becoming a parent, sir?
P: Data, you are seeking to achieve what only your own creator has been able to achieve, to make another functining sentient android, to make another Data.
Da: That is why I must attempt this, sir. I have observed that in most species there is a primal instinct to perpetuate themselves. Until now I have been the last of my kind. If I would be damaged or destroyed, I will be lost forever. But if I am successful with the creation of Lal, my continuance is assured. I understand the risk, sir. And I am prepared to accept the responsibility.

Lal: Gender female.
De: That's right, just like me.
Lal: Gender male.
Da: Correct.
Lal: And I am gender, neuter, inadequate.
Da: That is why you must choose a gender, Lal, to complete your appearance.
Lal: What are criteria?
Da: Access your data bank on sexuality level 2, that will define the parameters.
De: Whatever you decide will be yours for your life time. It's a decision that will affect how people interrelate with you.
Lal: I choose your sex and appearance.
Da: No, Lal. That would be confusing. We are taking you to the holodeck to show you several thousand composites I have programmed. You may choose from them.
De: Several thousand?
Da: This is a big decision.

Da: Counselor. Lal has narrowed the choices to four. Would you like to see?
De: Yes. Yes, of course, Data.
Da: Computer, Lal gender sequence finalists. Begin. An Andorian female.
De: Interesting. You'll be the only one aboard the Enterprize, Lal.
Da: Hum. That could make socialization more difficult. A human male.
De: Very attractive. There is no problem of socialization, here.
Da: A human female.
De: I like her.
Da: A Klingon male.
De: A friend for Warf. They are all very interesting. Do you have a favorite?
Lal: Yes. I have chosen.

By Picard
