


なんと驚いたことに、新しいデータ転送システムにより、データは自分の子供を作って しまいました。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

P: Captain's Log, Stardate 43657.0. While Commander Riker is away on personal leave, the Enterprise has traveled to Sector 396 to begin charting the Selebi Asteroid Belt.

Ge: Did he send for you, too?
De: Yes, he was very mysterious.
We: Do you have any idea what this is about?
Ge: Something happened at the cybernetics conference. Since he's come back, he's spent every off-duty minute in that lab.
De: It's not like Data to be so secretive.
We: And cautious. He's kept that lab locked every minute.
Ge: Now, how would you know that?....Ah ha!

Da: Oh, you are early. One moment, please......You may enter, now.
Ge: Come on, Data. What is this?
We: Yeah, Data. What's going on?
Da: I have invited here you to meet someone. This is Lal. Lal, say hello to Counselor Deanna Troi.
Lal: Hello, Counselor Deanna Troi.
De: How do you do, Lal?
Lal: I am functioning within normal parameters.
Da: Lal, this is Geordi La Forge.
Lal: Purpose for exterior drapings, father.
We: (Father?)
Da: It is an accepted custom that we wear clothing.
We: Data, it called you 'father!'
Da: Yes, Wesley. Lal is my child.

  Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

P: Captain's Log, supplemental: I have just been advised of a highly unusual project undertaken by Commander Data.

Da: Lal has a positoronic brain, one very similar to my own. I began programming at the cybernetics conference.
Ge: But nobody's ever been able to do that, Data. At least not since you were programmed.
Da: True. But there was a new submicron matrix transfer technology introduced to the conference, which, I discovered, could be used to lay down complex neuro-net pathways.
We: So you did a transfer from your brain into Lal's.
Da: Exactly, Wesley. I realized for the first time that it was possible to continue Dr. Soong's work. My initial transfers produced very encouraging results. So I brought Lal's brain back with me.
P: Data, I would like to have been consulted.
Da: I have not observed anyone else on board consulting you about their procreation, Captain.
De: Why didn't you give it a more human look, Data?
Da: I have decided to allow my child to choose its own sex and appearance.
P: Commander Data, at your convenience, I would like to talk with you in my ready room. Counselor...
P: I insist we do whatever we can to discourage the perception that this new android is a child. It's not a child! it's an invention, albeit an extraordinary one.
De: Why should biology rather than technology determine whether it's a child? Data has created an offspring, a new life out of his own being. To me that suggests a child. If he wishes to call Lal his child, then who are we to argue?
P: Well, if he must. But I fail to understand how a five-foot android with heuristic learning system and the strength of a ten men, can be called a child.
De: You've never been a parent.

By Emiko

NEXT: 性別選択