



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)

Da: I have completed the assembly of the replicated anatomy. I was able to provide Lal with more realistic skin and eye color than my own.
De: Congratulations, Data. It's a girl.

Da: This is home, Lal.
Lal: Home, place of residence, social unit formed by a family living together.
Da: Yes, we are a family, Lal. Chair, to sit in. Sit. Good. Painting.
Lal: Painting, colors produced on a surface by applying a pigment.
Da: Yes. I will teach you to recognize the artistry in paintings.
Lal: Soft.
Da: Yes, very good, Lal. You have correctly processed the sense of touch. There are many fascinating experiences I wish to share with you.
Lal: Painting.
Da: No, that is a flower, Lal. Inhale.
Lal: Smell!
Da: Yes.
Lal: Show me more, Father.
Da: Second officer science log supplemental. Training in social skills at the most elementary level has begun. Lal is progressing very slowly, but is not deterred by early setbacks. While motor coordination has improved 12%, reflex is still need to develope. Visual comprehension is especially difficult for Lal. Translating her vast databanks into recognizable applications may improve with additional transfers. She is also learning to supplement her innate android behavior with simulated human responses. And it is interesting to note that as I observe Lal leaning about her world I share in her experience almost as though I am learning things over again.

By しぃ
