

ディアナとライカーも感染。二人の関係もなかなか魅力的です。一方、 ドクタークラッシャーは、旧エンタープライズ号からの処方に基づいて薬を 調合。だがどうやら菌は突然変異をしているらしい。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か
Engineering Chief:機関部長

P: What have you learned, Number One?
R: Captain, the ship's engines are cut off from the Bridge. The assistant chief engineer's pulled out the iso-linear optical chips from command. All the engines are off-line. Wesley has hooked up some kind of tracter beam to the ship's power. He has it aimed at the door. And we can't get past to get to the computer.
P: Can you short out the power?
C.E: Yes, I can. But it's gonna take some time.
P: Do it.
De: Bill.
R: Deanna, what?
De: So many minds on this ship, all free, released.
R: Deanna.
De: I can feel them all what they want, what they feel. It's a side of humans I never felt before.
R: C'mon, get you sickbay.
De: Wouldn't you rather be along with me? With me in your mind?

Cr: The medical records we found say this works almost instantly.
Ge: Oh,ho,ho,ho, it's not fair, Doc. I've never seen a rainbow, sunset, sunrise. This is gonna help me? Help me see like you!
R: Doctor Crusher! Deanna needs your help.
Cr: The formula from the old Enterprise didn't work.
R: What?
Cr: This water-carbon complex may induce the same symptoms, but somehow it's different. Maybe it's mutated. But I've got to isolate it in order to analyse it.
R: We don't have that kind of time.
Cr: You brought Deanna in.
R: Yes, she is infected with it...
Cr: Then you touched her. Oh, God, and you touched me. Wait, I've got to quarantine you.
R: If I don't get the command computer back on-line soon, none of this, whatever this is, will matter. We'll all be dead.

P: Captain's log supplemental. It is no longer an inconvineinet childish prank. Young Wesley Crusher admittedly a victim of the Tsiolkovsky infection, is now in control of my starship.

P: Wesly! This is Captain Picard. Do you see me?
We: Yes, sir.
P: You will now return control of this vessel to the bridge where it belongs at once.
We: I'm sorry, sir. Why don't you just tell me what you want done and I'll do it.
P: Because ship captains control their own vessel, young man.
We: But sir. You don't do it yourself. You give the orders but somebody else does it. What's wrong with giving me the orders to do it?
Wo: Captain! Getting unusual readings now from the dwarf star.
P: Stand by on that for a moment. Wesly! Wes. Are you aware that you are behaving strangely? That a kind of infection was brought over from the Tsiolkovsky which acts like intoxication?
We: Are you saying that's why I feel so hot, so strange?
P: That's, that's a very adult bit of reasoning, Wesley.
We: So you mean I'm drunk. I feel strange but also good.
P: Because, because you have lost the capacity for self-judgement. Now alcohol does this, Wesley. But the contaminant we brought back from the Tsiolkovsky does it even more so.
We: What would you do if you got your ship back?
P: Oh, it's very important I do, Wesley, because I must immediately lock a tracter beam onto the Tsiolkovsky and tow it out of...
We: Tracter beams are my specialty, skipper! I'll contact you when that's done, Wesley out!
P: Wesley! Wesley! Conn? Where are you headed?
Wo: Sir, the star. It's beginning to collapse.
P: What the hell is happening in Engineering?
We: Lock on, lock on Tsiolkovsky. Come on, now.
R: Where's that sonic driver?
C.E: It's over there. Okay. Let's see if this cut out his tracter beam power. Oh, c'mon!

By 茜


菌はミューテイトしていた。果たしてドクタークラッシャーは無事ワクチンを 開発できるか?