

遂にピカードも感染。ドクタークラッシャーとピカードのやりとりはみものですね。 ピカードのこういう態度は、シリーズを通してここでしか見られないのでは ないでしょうか?


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か
Engineering Chief:機関部長

Cr: No, no. I must find the answer. I've go to find the answer.
Wo: Captain, tractor beam. We just locked on to the Tsiolkovsky.
P: Captain to .... Wesley, Wesley Crusher, come in. Ah, good, Data. At least you're functioning?
Da: Fully, Captain.
P: Data, intoxication is a human condition. Your brain is different, It's not the same as.
Da: We're more alike than unlike, my dear Captain. I have pores. Humans have pores. I have finger prints. Humans have finger prints. My chemical nutrients are like your blood. If you prick me, do I not leak?
P: Doctor!
Cr: Captain, can I see you in your ready room? It's a private matter. No, actually it's an urgent one.
P: But..Damn it.

P: Now, Doctor!
Cr: I believe I've become infected myself, Captain.
P: Do you know what the infection is?
Cr: Ha!
P: C'mon, quickly!
Cr: Sorry. It is definitely like alcohol intoxication. The same lack of good judgement? For example, right now, I find you extreamly, extreamly. Of course we haven't a time for that sort of thing.
P: What sort of thing?
Cr: Oh, God! Would I love to show you.
P: Doctor! There must be a cure, some formula, hum hum um... similar to the old one.
Cr: Damn it, damn it, Captain! My dear Captain. You owe me something. You do realize that, don't you? I'm a woman. I haven't had the comfort of a husband, a man.
P: Not now, Doctor! Please!

Wo: Bridge to Riker, urgent!
R: Riker here.
Wo: Sir, regret to inform you that the Captain appears to be infected. And Data.
R: Thank you Lieutenant, I'm on my way. You'll have to handle this.
Ce: Are you saying you're gonna handle that?

Wo: What we're seeing, sir, is a huge chunk of star's surface blown away. Heading for us.
P: Take us...
R: Are you all right, sir?
P: Worf, you do know what to do, take us uh....
R: Take us out of here.
P: Right.
Wo: The controls are still off-line, sir.
P: Override.
Wo: Same result, sir.
R: Wes, come in, please. Wesly Crusher, this is Riker, this is urgent, come in, please! Engineering, urgent! We must have ship's power.

Ce: These are control chips! Bridge from Engineering.
R: The star is still collapsing. We're directly in the path...
Ce: I can't help you, Bridge. Someone here has yanked out all the control chips.
We: It was an adult who did it.
Wo: Sir, I estimate 14 minutes until that mass gets you.
Ce: No way, sir. I can not replace these chips in 14 minutes, two hours, three maybe.
We: Data could assemble them back faster.
P: What? What's that? What's that, Wesley?
We: Oh there's simple iso-linear chips, sir, to Data anyway. He could shuffle them like cards.
R: C'mon, Data, hurry!

