



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

P: Captain's log, stardate 41209.3. The strange contaminant that led to the deaths of the Tsiolkovsky crew is now aboard the Enterprise and our engineering section has been commandeered by young Wesley Crusher.
We: And henceforth a dessert course shall precede and follow every meal including breakfast.
All: Hooray for the acting Captain!
Si: Never got as far as sick bay, Wes. I feel too good for that. Incredible! How did you do that?
We: Hooked my model tracter beam into ship's power. Now it's a repulser beam, too. Want in?
Si: Swear to be faithful to you, Captain.

P: Number one, McDougal, get that boy out of Engineering.
Wo: Sir. I'm getting very strange reports from all decks.
P: Such as?
Wo: Such as the ship's training division ordering all officers to attend a lecture on metaphysics.
P: Metaphysics?
Da: Confirm, sir. And there was a rather peculiar limerick being delivered by someone in the shuttlecraft bay. I'm not sure I understand it. There was a young lady from Venus, whose body was shaped like a....
P: Captain to Security. Come in!
Da: Did I say something wrong?
Wo: I don't understand their humor, either.
Sec: Ha! Yeah, Captain.
P: Where is my security chief? Get me Lieutenant Yar!
Sec: Keep your britches on!
Ta: Catptain Picaaaard.
P: Lieutenant, where are you?
Ta: I'm in my quaters and un, I'm pretty busy right at the moment, Jean-Luc.
P: All right, Lieutenant. You just stay right there. Data, go to Lietenant Yar, take'er down to sick bay.
Da: Aye, sir.
P: Captain to Security. I want all your senior supervisers to report to the Bridge immediately.

Da: Lieutenant Yar?
Ta: Here, Data. You wanted me?
Da: Captain Picard ordered me to escort you to sick bay, Lieutenant.
Ta: Did he say when?
Da: I'm sure he meant now. So you should get into uniform.
Ta: But I got out of my uniform for you, Data. Do you know how old I was when I was abondoned?
Da: Chronological age? No. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with...
Ta: Five. Five years old. But I survived. I learned how to stay alive, how to avoid the rape gangs. I was fifteen before I escaped.
Da: I am sorry. I did not know.
Ta: And what I want now is gentleness, and joy and love from you, Data. You are fully functional, aren't you?
Da: Of course, but..
Ta: How fully?
Da: In every way, of course. I am programmed in multiple techniques, a broad variety of pleasuring...
Ta: Oh! You jewel! That's exactly what I hoped.


