


P: This is my First Officer, Commander William Riker. Lieutenant Commander Data. This is Jenis Manheim.
R: A pleasure, Mrs. Manheim.
Je: Thank you.
P: I have a number of questions for you.
Je: I hope I can lead(give you?) some help.
P: Why don't we sit down?
R: Yeah.
P: You said there were only two of you left. What happened to the rest of the crew?
Je: They were working in the second lab. Something happened there a few weeks ago. They were all killed. It was a terrible accident. I don't know exactly what happened. So many brilliant, wonderful minds just gone.
Da: Do you know the nature of Dr. Manheim's work?
Je: Paul has always been interested in time. He's never believed that he is immutable any more than space is immutable. Over the last decade he came to believe that we reside in one of infinite dimensions. And a hole's here(?), the conscience?? he(?) have(?) time. Change that and it would be, he called, opening a window to those other dimensions.
R: Which begins to explain what happened.
Je: Have you been experiencing something up here?
P: Yes, what is emanating here is having repercussions light years away. Maybe even farther.
Je: No, that would(?) explaine the anxiety. I have no idea it is console(?) far beyond Vandor.
R: Why this place? Why Vandor?
Je: All I can tell you about that was Paul and the rest of the team. Search for two years to find it. Vandor is exactly what they needed. A planetoid around a binary star.
Da: Because of dense gravity of pulser.
P: Did your husband ever attempt to define these dimensions, give you an idea what he expected?
Je: No. But, he did say that he was very close to proving his theories. And the accident.
P: Did you anticipate these experiments might be dangerous?
Je: I didn't think so. But, now in retrospect he probably did. That will explain the unusual precautions he began taking. Even before the accident, the force field is a laboratory security system. And every time he started a new experiment, he insisted that I stay in, what he called, a protected room.
P: Ah-hu. That's why you were protected.
Je: Jean-Luc. He would've never known that he would do anything to hurt anyone.
P: Yes. I believe that.
Je: But, he saw his goal getting closer. Seeming possible. He became more and more obsessive. Maybe that clouded his judgement.
Je: This is not how I imagine to see you again.
P: Nor I you.
Je: You've done well? A great starship. And far reach to the Galaxy. It's everything you would've hoped.
P: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Not exactly. Nothing works just as you hoped. If you can't tell us anymore, I need to send a team down to the lab.
Je: You can't. It's protected. One of the young scientist made sure no one could get in.
Cr: Ah, excuse me.
Je: Is he worse?
Cr: He's resting. But I would like you undergo some tests yourself. My nurse will start them.
Je: Thank you for your kindness, Doctor.

P: She is an old friend.
Cr: I gather that. It's her husband I'm concerned with at the moment.
P: What's the prognosis?
Cr: I believe he's dying. His neurochemistry has been affected. But I don't know how or why. I've never encountered anything like before.
P: How long does he have?
Cr: Maybe a couple of days. Hard to predict. All I can do was maintain or attempt to maintain him while I find out what's causing the damage.
P: Then, we talk to him.
Cr: Not now. Not yet.

By たけやん
