


R: Captain, we received communication from freighter Alaro(?) as well as from a farming colony at Caltair(?) Four. Both described the same time distortion. The Captain Alaro described it as hiccup.
P: Hiccup?
Da: Actually so that maybe incorrect analogy.
P: How so, Data?
Da: A hiccup is dispersed mad(?) inhalation of closure your glowest(?) accompanied by a peculiar sound. If we would continue this analogy to a body function, what occur would be best presented by a...
P: Enough, Data. Have you been able to learn most specifics about Mannheim's project?
Da: All I found, sir, were what already you know. Mannheim concentrated on time-gravity experiments when he left.
Ge: Captain. We've reached the coordinate specified. There's nothing here.
Wo: I'm receiving new coordinates. The relay signals, the same sources as the first one.
Ge: What are they, Wolf?
Wo: 664.8 by 1232.7 by 4949.9.
Ge: Very remote area, sir. It's in the middle of the Vandor system, a binary star system. Main star's a B class giant, the companion star's a pulsar.
P: Set a course for new coordinates, Mr. La Forge.
Ge: Aye, sir.

R: Why are they making this difficult to find them?
P: Hopefully, he will tell us, Number One.
Ge: We have reached the coordinates, Captain.
Da: Sensors indicate it as Vandor IV, a planet toyed elliptical orbit around a binary system.
P: Standard orbit, Mr. LaForge.
Ge: Aye, sir.
P: Give me a visual.
Wo: View screen on. There's a small force field on the planet, latitude 20 degrees 9 minutes north, longitude 40 degrees 20 minutes east at the present terminator.
P: Penetrable?
Da: No, sir.
P: Open hailing frequencies.
Wo: Hailing frequencies open, sir.
P: This is Captain... This is the Captain of the USS Enterprise, responding to your call for help.
Je: Enterprise, thank you for hearing us. Where are you?
P: We are in orbit around Vandor, now.
Je: Then, you can help me. I, I don't know what to do. It's only the two of us left. He's having convulsions. Please.
P: Can you lock onto her coordinates?
Ge: No, sir. The force field is preventing any kind of contact other than the audio.
P: There is a force field at your location.
Je: Yes. I know.
P: Good. But, it is preventing us from helping you. Now, you must try to find some way to shut it down.
Je: I'll try.
Wo: Force field is off.
P: Good. Lock on their coordinates. Beam them directly to the Sickbay. Dr. Crasher, prepare for medical emergency. Two to beam directly up to Sickbay.
Cr: We will be ready, Captain.
P: Let's gonna?? be. Number One. Mr. Data.

Cr: I'll help.
Je: Easy. Easy. I got his legs.
Cr: How long has he been like this?
Je: Several hours, at least. He's in labs. I can't be sure.
Cr: I need to do some tests.
P: Oh, I, uh...
Je: Jean-Luc... I thought the voice sounded familiar.
P: Hello.
Je: I should've known who else would have charged in my rescue.

By たけやん
