


Da: Incidentally, Captain. The effect of time distortion has now been felt in the intercom system.
P: Bridge. Of the first decade Manheim has turned some vague theories into a practical application.
R: Yes. Without his help, I'm not sure we would be able to pose any intelligent questions. How long to come up with any solutions?
Da: Incidentally, Captain. The effect of time distortion has now been felt in intercom system.
P: It's us before we stepped into the turbo lift.
R: It's happening again.
Da: I feel no this orientation. Nor do I.

Ge: What was that?
Da: I believe what could be turned(?) to this Manheim effect just becoming more pronounced.
P: This is where we started, if we are us.
Da: Oh, we are us, sir. They are also us. So indeed we are both us at the different points along the same time continum.

P: Bridge. What do you learn?
Da: We have completed the scan of the planet surface, sir.
R: We discovered the second lab on the far side of the planet, completely destroyed, unable to determine what caused it, otherwise very little to clarify the situation.
Da: Our sensers show an immense volume of the energy emanating deep within the planet and concentrated near Manheim's remaining laboratory.
P: How has the energy been used?
R: No idea.
P: What's its source?
Da: I cannot be sure, sir. But I believe Manheim has developed the method for harnessing energy from the pulser.
R: It comes down to this, Captain. We've learned everything we can from here. We are no closet to understanding it than we were 12 hours ago. Manheim's unable to help us. But hopefully having him a good scientist kept notes.
Da: I would need to study Manheim's record, sir.
R: In order to do that, we're going have to get down there.
P: What about a defence system? Is it Mrs. Manheim's spoken?
R: It may be connected to the main system. When she lowered the shield she may have turned down off this as well. If not, we deal with the best we can.
P: Prepare your team.
R: Aye, sir.

R: Coordinates set.
Ch: Yes, sir.
R: Energize.
Ch: It's lacking the integrity of the landing point. I'm losing them.
P: Bring them back. Now.
P: Chief ???, what's going on?
Ch: There seems to be some kind of strange bouncing effect. I can't get them to materialize. My readings are complete.
P: Keep trying.
R: What are we doing back here?
Ch: You are lucky you made back at all, sir.

Pa: Where am I?
Je: Paul. Thank God. You're in the USS Enterprise. They answered your distress signal.
Pa: I sent one?
Je: Oh, Paul. You're gonna be just fine.
Pa: No. I'm not fine, Jenis. I'm not even close to fine.
Cr: Bridge, this is Dr. Crusher. Professor Manheim is conscious.
Pa: Remember it was worse than it had happened. What will happen all of it? It was all worse it. Again. It's changing again.
Cr: What is? What do you see?
Pa: I'm having difficulty.
Cr: With what? Are you in pain?
Pa: I have been on the other side. I have touched another dimension. Part of me is still there.
Je: Help him.
Cr: Try to stay calm, Dr. Manheim. I don't think it's going to help you struggling against it.
Pa: My mind is floating between two places. It is difficult to know which is which. There is no way to explain it.
P: Dr. Manheim. I'm Captain Picard.
Pa: The same one. She has told me about you. Not all, but enough.
P: We need your help. The situation is not good.
Pa: It will get worse.
P: What do we do? How do we stop it?
Pa: I'm having difficulty holding the moment.
P: Doctor, this is Lieutenant Commander Data. Will you explain the situation to him?
Da: I'm fully revised, sir. I all your theories regarding time and gravity.
Pa: How is that possible? I am not even fully revised over my theories.
Da: I am android.
Pa: Android? In a Starfleet vessel?
Da: I am the only one, sir.
Pa: Your knowledge is useless, because the work we have done here make most of those theories obsolete.
Da: And your finest dynamic energy source.
Pa: And you do understand.
Da: Yes.
Pa: We were able to locate the energy source in the center of this planetary. We learn to enhance it to focus it. Everything worked toward(?) the energy from the pulser, the energy from the planetary. We opened the crack for window into another dimension.
P: The time distortion we felt.
Pa: Felt. Then it is not confined to the planetary?
Da: The range is at least several thousand light years.
Pa: Captain, it must be stopped. You must help me to execute the control. Shut down this experiment. Get my notes there in the lab.
P: How do we bypass the security system?
Pa: I'll give you the correct coordinates to beam safely down to Vandor and the code you need to bypass the security system to get into my lab. Oh... Oh...

Da: If what the professor is giving me is accurate, it is possible to repair the damage. It must be perfectly time to coincide with another time distortion episode.
R: Can we predict the timing?
Da: I believe so, sir.
P: We have to. If we don't seal that hole, this(?) other dimension is opened to rule written(ripple?) to the fabric of the galaxy. Realities we perceive it is not the same. Lieutenant Worf.
Wo: Yes, sir.
P: I want this cord Manheim gave Mr. Data, rechecked and checked again. No one is beaming down to the Vandor unless we can be reasonably sure to get through.
Wo: Aye, sir.
Je: I'm sorry for intruding. I was told I found you here.
P: You're not intruding. We've just finished. Come in. Thank you.

By たけやん
