
PREV:謎の円盤現れる NEXT:謎の解決

なぜゾーンは円盤に連れ去られたのか?そもそもこの円盤はなんなのか?乗員のいない 円盤とは?


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Groppler Zorn:FarPoint Stationの渉外担当
TC:Trasporter chief

Cr: Can I help you, Captain?
P: I, uh... I didn't want you thinking me harsh-- Cold-blooded.
Cr: Why would I ever think that?
P: I didn't welcome you aboard, personally, professionally. I made you come to me on the bridge. I yelled at your son... Who, as you pointed out, was quite correct. He seemes to have a very good grasp of starship operations.
Cr: You've just won this mother's heart, Captain.
P: Ah... but, uh... now, your assignment here. I would consider and approve a trasfer for you.
Cr: Oh, you consider me unqulified?
P: Hardly. Your service record shows you're just the chief medical officer I want.
Cr: Then you must object to me personally.
P: I'm trying to be considerate of your feelings, Doctor. For you to work with a commanding officer who would continue to remind you of a terrible personal tragedy...
Cr: If I had had any objections to serving with you, I wouldn't have requested this assignmnet, Captain.
P: You requested this posting?
Cr: My feelings about my husband's death will have no effect on the way I serve you, this vessel, or this mission.
P: Ah... then, welcome aboard, Doctor.
R: Riker to Picard. We're ready to beam over, sir.
P: I, uh, I hope we can be friends.
Cr: Thank you.

R: Phasers on stun. Energize.
Da: Most interesting, sir.
Ta: Much the same construction we saw in the underground tunnel.
Da: But no sound of power. No equipment.
Ta: How does this ship run?
De: Hum..
R: Easy, Troi. Is it the same as you felt down there?
De: No. This is much more powerful. Full of anger. Hate.
Ta: Toward us?
De: No. It's directed down toward the old Bandi city.
Da: Most intriguing, again, sir. The place that this vessel was firing upon was not the Farpoint starbase, but the home of those who constructed... Sorry, sir. I seem to be commenting on everything.
R: Good. Don't stop, my friend. Enterprise, Riker. This is turning out to be a very long tunnel or corridor, sir. No ship's crew in sight. No sign of mechanism or circuitry. No controls or readouts. This is nothing like any vessel I've seen before.
De: Groppler Zorn, sir. In great fear, just ahead. There's a different feeling here than in the tunnel. Very different.
Gr: No, please, no more, please. No more. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. No more! Please, no more!
R: Zorn, can you hear me?
Gr: Please! No!
De: Has the alien communicated?
Gr: Please! Please, no more!
De: That's it, sir. It's just one alien I'm sensing here.
Gr: Please, I don't understand what you want.
Da: Not true, he does know.
Gr: No please! No more! Please, no more! No! Don't! Don't!
W: Captain!
P: Tranporter chief, Yank them back, now! Riker acknowledge.

By Picard


PREV:謎の円盤現れる NEXT:謎の解決