
PREV:ファーポイントでの調査 NEXT:謎の円盤現れる



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

P: What the hell? Children are not allowed on the bridge.
Cr: Permission to report to the Captain.
P: Dr. Crusher?
Cr: Captain. Sir, my son is not on the bridge. He merely accompanied me on the turbolift.
P: Your son?
Cr: His name is Wesley. You last saw him years ago when...
P: Uh. Well, as long as he's here. Ahem, I, uh... I knew... I knew your father, Wesley. Want to look around? But don't touch anything! Try it out. The panel on your right is for log entries, library-computer access and retrieval, viewscreen control of intercoms so on. Here we have...
We: Oh here, the backup conn and ops panels plus shield and armament controls.
P: Um, ah, the, the, ah, forward view screen is controlled by the ops position there..
We: Which uses high-resolution multispectral imaging sensors...
P: How the hell do you know that, boy?

We: Perimeter alert, Captain.
Cr: Wesley!
We: I'm sorry. I didn't..
Cr: Wesley you shouldn't 've touched..
P: Get off the bridge! Both of you.
Wo: You have perimeter alert, sir.
Cr: As my son tried to tell you.
P: Picard. Go ahead.
?: Ship's sensors have detected the presence of a vessel approaching this planet. No ship is scheduled to arrive at this time, sir.
P: Have Commander Riker and his team beam back up. Seculity, could that be the Hood returning here?
?: The vessle does not match the Hood's configuration or ID signal.
P: Put it on main viewer. Identification?
Wo: Vessel unknown, configuration unknown,sir.

By 茜


PREV:ファーポイントでの調査 NEXT:謎の円盤現れる

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