アンの愛情 第二十九章

Chapter XXIX Diana's Wedding(16)

"No. I'm going down east to Valley Road next week. Esther Haythorne wants me to teach for her through July and August. They have a summer term in that school, and Esther isn't feeling well. So I'm going to substitute for her. In one way I don't mind. Do you know, I'm beginning to feel a little bit like a stranger in Avonlea now? It makes me sorry--but it's true. It's quite appalling to see the number of children who have shot up into big boys and girls--really young men and women--these past two years. Half of my pupils are grown up. It makes me feel awfully old to see them in the places you and I and our mates used to fill."

  • term:学期
  • substitute:代わりの人
  • appalling:驚くばかりの
  • shoot up:急に成長する