アンの愛情 第二十四章

Chapter XXIV Enter Jonas(3)

"Cousin Emily has only five boarders besides myself--four old ladies and one young man. My right-hand neighbor is Mrs. Lilly. She is one of those people who seem to take a gruesome pleasure in detailing all their many aches and pains and sicknesses. You cannot mention any ailment but she says, shaking her head, 'Ah, I know too well what that is'--and then you get all the details. Jonas declares he once spoke of locomotor ataxia in hearing and she said she knew too well what that was. She suffered from it for ten years and was finally cured by a traveling doctor.

  • boarder:下宿人
  • gruesome:身の毛もよだつ
  • aches and pains:筋肉と節々の痛み
  • ailment:病気
  • locomotor ataxia:脊髄癆