アンの愛情 第十三章

Chapter XIII The Way of Transgressors(2)

Davy came downstairs slowly. Dora was waiting in the hall for him, having been made ready by Mrs. Lynde. Davy had attended to his own preparations. He had a cent in his pocket for the Sunday School collection, and a five-cent piece for the church collection; he carried his Bible in one hand and his Sunday School quarterly in the other; he knew his lesson and his Golden Text and his catechism question perfectly. Had he not studied them--perforce--in Mrs. Lynde's kitchen, all last Sunday afternoon? Davy, therefore, should have been in a placid frame of mind. As a matter of fact, despite text and catechism, he was inwardly as a ravening wolf.

  • attend to:〜に注意を払う
  • collection:寄付
  • quarterly:季刊誌
  • catechism:教義問答
  • perforce:否応なしに,必然的に
  • placid:穏やかな
  • frame of mind:心の状態
  • despite:〜にもかかわらず
  • inwardly:ひそかに,内心では
  • ravening:貪欲な,獲物をあさる