アンの青春 第二十九章

CHAPTER XXIX Poetry and Prose(4)

"Oh, Miss Shirley, ma'am, it has all turned out so beautiful. When Mr. Irving and Miss Lavendar come back from their tower I'm to go up to Boston and live with them . . . and me only fifteen, and the other girls never went till they were sixteen. Ain't Mr. Irving splendid? He just worships the ground she treads on and it makes me feel so queer sometimes to see the look in his eyes when he's watching her. It beggars description, Miss Shirley, ma'am. I'm awful thankful they're so fond of each other. It's the best way, when all's said and done, though some folks can get along without it. I've got an aunt who has been married three times and says she married the first time for love and the last two times for strictly business, and was happy with all three except at the times of the funerals. But I think she took a resk, Miss Shirley, ma'am."

  • turn out:結局〜になる
  • splendid:りっぱな
  • worship:〜を崇拝する
  • tread on:〜を踏みつける
  • queer:変な
  • beggar:貧弱にする,無力にする
  • description:言葉による叙述
  • folks:人々
  • get along without:〜なしでやっていく
  • strictly:完全に
  • funeral:葬式
  • take a risk:危険を冒す