アンの青春 第二十三章

CHAPTER XXIII Miss Lavendar's Romance(2)

Anne had paid many a visit to Echo Lodge since that October day. Sometimes she and Diana drove around by the road; sometimes they walked through the woods. When Diana could not go Anne went alone. Between her and Miss Lavendar had sprung up one of those fervent, helpful friendships possible only between a woman who has kept the freshness of youth in her heart and soul, and a girl whose imagination and intuition supplied the place of experience. Anne had at last discovered a real "kindred spirit," while into the little lady's lonely, sequestered life of dreams Anne and Diana came with the wholesome joy and exhilaration of the outer existence, which Miss Lavendar, "the world forgetting, by the world forgot," had long ceased to share; they brought an atmosphere of youth and reality to the little stone house. Charlotta the Fourth always greeted them with her very widest smile . . . and Charlotta's smiles WERE fearfully wide . . . loving them for the sake of her adored mistress as well as for their own. Never had there been such "high jinks" held in the little stone house as were held there that beautiful, late-lingering autumn, when November seemed October over again, and even December aped the sunshine and hazes of summer.

  • pay a visit:訪問する
  • spring up:生まれる
  • fervent:熱心な
  • freshness:新しさ
  • intuition:直感
  • experience:経験
  • kindred spirit:気心の合う人
  • sequestered life:隠遁生活:
  • wholesome:健全な
  • joy:喜び
  • exhilaration:爽快な気分,陽気
  • outer:外の
  • existence:存在
  • cease:やめる
  • share:共有する
  • atmosphere:雰囲気
  • reality:現実
  • greet:歓迎する
  • fearfully:ひどく
  • for the sake of:〜のために
  • adore:崇敬する
  • mistress:女主人
  • high jinks:どんちゃん騒ぎ,大浮かれ
  • linger:いつまでも残る
  • ape:〜をまねる
  • haze:もや,かすみ