アンの青春 第二十一章

CHAPTER XXI Sweet Miss Lavendar(56)

"She does look lonely," said Diana softly. "We must come often to see her." "I think her parents gave her the only right and fitting name that could possibly be given her," said Anne. "If they had been so blind as to name her Elizabeth or Nellie or Muriel she must have been called Lavendar just the same, I think. It's so suggestive of sweetness and old-fashioned graces and 'silk attire.' Now, my name just smacks of bread and butter, patchwork and chores."

  • lonely:寂しい
  • fitting:ふさわしい
  • blind:無感覚の
  • suggestive of:〜を連想させる
  • old-fashioned:古風な
  • grace:優雅,優美
  • silk:柔らかな,絹の
  • attire:衣装
  • smack of:〜に似ている
  • patchwork:パッチワーク,寄せ集め
  • chore:雑用