アンの青春 第十四章

CHAPTER XIV A Danger Averted(4)

"Pretty well . . . and that reminds me. Mrs. Allan thinks it would be nice to fix up a booth like an old-time kitchen and serve a supper of baked beans, doughnuts, pie, and so on. We're collecting old-fashioned fixings everywhere. Mrs. Simon Fletcher is going to lend us her mother's braided rugs and Mrs. Levi Boulter some old chairs and Aunt Mary Shaw will lend us her cupboard with the glass doors. I suppose Marilla will let us have her brass candlesticks? And we want all the old dishes we can get. Mrs. Allan is specially set on having a real blue willow ware platter if we can find one. But nobody seems to have one. Do you know where we could get one?"

  • pretty well:かなりよく
  • remind:〜に思い出させる
  • fix up:据え付ける
  • booth:ブース,展示会・ショーなどの1区画
  • old-time:昔風の
  • baked beans:ベークトビーンズ(完熟したインゲン豆を塩漬豚肉・トマトソースなど香辛料を加えて調理したもの)
  • and so on:〜など
  • old-fashioned:古風な,昔風の
  • fixing:器具,設備
  • braided rug:ブレーデッドラグ(三つ編みしたひもを楕円形[円形・長方形]に巻いたじゅうたん)
  • cupboard:食器棚
  • brass:真ちゅう
  • candlestick:キャンドルスティック,ろうそく立て
  • willow ware:柳模様の陶磁器
  • platter:大皿
  • be set on:〜する気になっている