アンの青春 第十三章

CHAPTER XIII A Golden Picnic(2)

"That wasn't my fault," laughed Anne. "If my parents had consulted me it would never have happened then. I should have chosen to be born in spring, of course. It must be delightful to come into the world with the mayflowers and violets. You would always feel that you were their foster sister. But since I didn't, the next best thing is to celebrate my birthday in the spring. Priscilla is coming over Saturday and Jane will be home. We'll all four start off to the woods and spend a golden day making the acquaintance of the spring. We none of us really know her yet, but we'll meet her back there as we never can anywhere else. I want to explore all those fields and lonely places anyhow. I have a conviction that there are scores of beautiful nooks there that have never really been SEEN although they may have been LOOKED at. We'll make friends with wind and sky and sun, and bring home the spring in our hearts."

  • fault:責任,過ち
  • mayflower:5月に咲く花
  • violet:バイオレット,スミレ
  • foster sister:乳姉妹
  • start off:勢いよく出かける
  • make the acquaintance of:〜と知り合いになる
  • explore:調査する
  • conviction:信念,確信
  • scores of:多数の
  • nook:隠れ場所