赤毛のアン 第十五章

CHAPTER XV. A Tempest in the School Teapot(2)

The way Anne and Diana went to school WAS a pretty one. Anne thought those walks to and from school with Diana couldn't be improved upon even by imagination. Going around by the main road would have been so unromantic; but to go by Lover's Lane and Willowmere and Violet Vale and the Birch Path was romantic, if ever anything was.

Lover's Lane opened out below the orchard at Green Gables and stretched far up into the woods to the end of the Cuthbert farm. It was the way by which the cows were taken to the back pasture and the wood hauled home in winter. Anne had named it Lover's Lane before she had been a month at Green Gables.

"Not that lovers ever really walk there," she explained to Marilla, "but Diana and I are reading a perfectly magnificent book and there's a Lover's Lane in it. So we want to have one, too. And it's a very pretty name, don't you think? So romantic! We can't imagine the lovers into it, you know. I like that lane because you can think out loud there without people calling you crazy."

  • improve upon:〜を改良する
  • stretch:伸びる
  • pasture:牧草地
  • haul:引っ張る,連行する
  • lover:恋人
  • magnificent:素晴らしい
  • think out loud:思わずひとりごとを言う,思い浮かんだ言葉を口に出す